Configure Active Directory Authentication in ESX

| Posted in , , | Posted on 11/03/2009


1. SSH to the host.
2. “Su –“ to root.
3. Issue the following commands:
a. esxcfg-auth --enablead --addomain=yourdomain.local --addc=domaincontroller.yourdomain.local
b. useradd ad account name
c. esxcfg-firewall -q activeDirectorKerberos
4. Verify by logging in as yourself.

Configure NTP on ESX 4

| Posted in , | Posted on 11/03/2009


1. Log in to the Virtual Infrastructure Client (VIC).
2. Highlight an ESX 4 host and select the configuration tab and “Time Configuration”.
3. Check the box to enable the NTP client (disregard any error as this is due to the firewall be reconfigured) and select “Options”.

4. On the NTP Daemon Options screen ensure the service is set to start automatically.

5. Select NTP settings and remove the localhost address (

6. Add the following servers to the list and check the box to restart the NTP service.

7. The ntp.conf file will now look like the below: